Monday, September 28, 2009

1) My first experience in a teaching enviorment

I had my first experience as a volunteer in an elementary school in Providence. The school that I'm volunteering at is Edmund W Flynn Elementary School. I wasn't too surprised by the looks of the neighborhood because I've been in that area before,seeing as the school was right near Rhode Island Hospital. When I first got there I was a little nervous, but once I went to the office I started to feel more excited. I had the opportunity to observe a kindergarten classroom. When I first walked in the classroom I was so intrigued by just watching the children that I didn't really pay attention to the atmosphere. Once the Children were working on their coloring project, I started to notice how congested the class room was. The children sat at little tables in groups of three or four. Some of the children looked like they didn't have enough room to spread out and do their work. I noticed that the tables were also very close together. I found this experience to be absolutely wonderful, but also sad at the same time. I was shocked at some of the children's appearance. One of the little girls looked like her hair hadn't been washed or brushed in days. I couldn't believe that parents would send their children to school like that. After sitting in a kindergarten classroom, I also realized what a handful they can be because they have so much energy. I found it to be such a wonderful experience because of the way the children made me feel. They were all very welcoming and seemed to be very interested in why I was in their classroom. I thought the teacher was an outstanding teacher. She really got down to their level in order to help them learn. I wasn't as impressed with the assistant teachers way of dealing with the children. The teacher had to leave to get more fruit cups for the kids because they ran out. In the five or ten minuets that the teacher was gone, all the assistant did was yell at the children to be quiet. I thought she could have gone about it in a different way. I cant imagine how children can concentrate on learning if they are constantly being yelled at. I feel she didn't make it a very comfortable atmosphere for herself or the students. I feel that this school values trying to get the kids to the level that they should already be at at their age. One of the teachers had explained to me that ninety-five percent of the students that come in can't even write their name or understand what letters are. They have tons of different programs and activities to help the students get to the level thats appropriate for their age. Overall, I loved every second of observing a kindergarten class and I cannot wait to start tutoring them next Friday!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Hi, My names Samantha Im a transfer student from CCRI going for elementry education with a concentration is special ed. My first day at RIC was very overwhelming. Parking is nothing like at CCRI. My second day has been much better than my first day. When I'm not at school or doing homework I'm usually working. During my spare time I enjoy going to the beach and shopping.